Reflexology is an age old tool used for treating and diagnosing the physical body. This is done by massaging the bottom of the feet which in turn sends neurological impulses to different organs and cellular systems in the body. Many common problems can be treated simply by using reflexology such as, kidney stones, ovarian cysts, headaches, constipation as well as physical issues pertaining to the feet.
Reflexology is a focused pressure technique, usually applied to the feet or hands. It is based on the premise that there are zones and reflexes on different parts of the body, which corresponds to, and are relative to all parts, glands and organs of the entire body. When the reflexes are stimulated, the body’s natural electrical energy works along the nervous system to clear any blockages in the corresponding zones.
How Does It Work?
When the reflexes are stimulated, the body’s natural electrical energy works along the nervous system to clear any blockages in the corresponding zones. A reflexology session seems to break up deposits (felt as a sandy or gritty area under the skin), which may interfere with this natural flow of the body’s energy.
Manipulating specific reflexes removes stress, activating a parasympathetic response in the body to enable the disharmonies to be released by a physiological change in the body. With stress removed and circulation improved, the body is allowed to return to a state of homeostasis. Homeostasis is the “automatic” process that the body incorporates to bring it back to the “normal” state. For example, if the blood pressure is abnormal, the kidneys will secrete the enzyme renin, which is involved with blood pressure, and the hormone, erythropoietin that increases the rate of red blood cell production.
Benefits of the Reflexology
Reflexology demonstrates four (4) main benefits:
1. Relaxation with the removal of stress
2. Enhanced circulation
3. Assists the body to normalize metabolism naturally
4. Complements all other healing modalities
Reflexology stimulates the reflexes and assists the body’s natural response to normalize metabolisms. Well-worked reflexes prove to the client the necessity of pressure by the process that homeostasis has brought to the body. The reflexologist always works within the pain tolerance threshold of the individual.